Be Hive of Healing

Healing African Prune



Healing African Prune dietary supplement takes healing to the source of all human life. It is made with extracts from the bark of Pygeum africanum, a large evergreen tree found in southern and central Africa. For Men, this great natural healing remedy is proven to inhibit hair loss while supporting prostate health. In addition it stimulates production of testosterone which plays a key role in sperm production. (LH) helps women with regulation of the menstrual cycle, and is the hormone tested to see the level of egg production and reproductive capability.

Healing African prune should not be used during pregnancy.

  • The statements made on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All medications and nutritional supplements should only be used after you consult with your physician or other healthcare provider.

Fulfilled by our friends at Be Hive of Healing